Tag Archive | loucura

Loucura por conveniência

Retrato de Camille Claudel. Pormenor. Cerca de 1883.

“La familia la declaró loca y la metió en un manicomio.
Camille Claudel pasó allí, prisionera, los últimos treinta años de su vida.
Fue por su bien, dijeron.
En el manicomio, cárcel helada, se negó a dibujar y a esculpir.
La madre y la hermana jamás la visitaron.
Alguna que otra vez se dejó ver su hermano Paul, el virtuoso.
Cuando Camille, la pecadora, murió, nadie reclamó su cuerpo.
Años demoró el mundo en descubrir que Camille no sólo había sido la humillada amante de Auguste Rodin.
Casi medio siglo después de su muerte, sus obras renacieron y viajaron y asombraron: bronce que baila, mármol que llora, piedra que ama. En Tokio, los ciegos pidieron permiso para palpar las esculturas. Pudieron tocarlas. Dijeron que las esculturas respiraban.” (Eduardo Galeano. Resurrección de Camille. Espejos. 2008).

Galeria com esculturas de Camille Claudel.

A loucura de Camille Claudel.

“Claudel’s father approved of her career choice, and he tried to help and support her financially. But when he died on 2 March 1913, Claudel was not informed of his death. Instead, eight days later, on 10 March 1913, at the request of her younger brother Paul, she was admitted to the psychiatric hospital of Ville-Évrard in Neuilly-sur-Marne. (…)
Doctors tried to convince Paul and their mother that Claudel did not need to be in the institution, but they still kept her there. According to Cécile Bertran, a curator from the Musée Camille Claudel, the situation was not easy to judge, because modern experts who have looked at her records say she was indeed ill.(…)
For a while, the press accused her family of committing a sculptor of genius. Her mother forbade her to receive mail from anyone other than her brother. The hospital staff regularly proposed to her family that Claudel be released, but her mother adamantly refused each time.[50] On 1 June 1920, physician Dr. Brunet sent a letter advising her mother to try to reintegrate her daughter into the family environment. Nothing came of this.
Paul Claudel visited his confined older sister seven times in 30 years, in 1913, 1920, 1925, 1927, 1933, 1936, and 1943. He always referred to her in the past tense. Their sister Louise visited her just one time in 1929. Her mother, who died in June 1929, never visited Claudel” (Wikipedia. Camille Claudel: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Camille_Claudel).


Para além da leveza, ando a pesquisar outro assunto ainda menos sério. Nestas andanças, deparei com dois retratos de bobos, um mais encantador do que outro.

Laughing jester
Anónimo. The Laughing Jester. Art Museum of Sweden, Stockholm. Séc. XV

No retrato mais antigo, de autor anónimo do séc. XV, o bobo ostenta um traje colorido com as tradicionais orelhas de burro e um bastão esculpido. Uma mão cobre parte do rosto, aludindo, porventura, à missão de mostrar as duas faces da realidade.

Quentin Massys. An Allegory of Folly. Início do séc. XVI.
Quentin Massys. An Allegory of Folly. Início do séc. XVI.

O segundo retrato é da autoria de Quentin Massys (1466-1530), um dos pintores mais surpreendentes da história da arte. Apresenta um louco com os respetivos símbolos: um galo na cabeça e a pedra da loucura na testa. Digno de atenção é o remate do bastão com uma figura humana, bastante realista, a mostrar o rabo.